Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Handbag Cake Melbourne What Type Of Birthday Gift To Give?

What type of birthday gift to give? - handbag cake melbourne

My birthday is exactly 10 days before one of my partner / s. Friend Every year, during the last two years a bit more than we could wait for my birthday and let me ask what I should really match your gifts. This year I bought an expensive purse, cake and refreshments were brought into the class, and organizing an event, "Happy Hour" (invited a group of classmates) ... I will not repeat what he did ... but I'm at a loss for something creative. Ideas?


Jess K said...

Oh wow you are a good friend! Now that I think I wish she was my girlfriend! Well, I think u should be, what he really loves to find ... i pod .... or something that it means a lot ... something to do with UR friendship. Surprise b-day to send for her and her image to think of a news channel and may your advertising B-Day: TUE, it would be so much fun!

Kristen said...

It should be like a treasure hunt birthday, so that small pieces of paper for them to go to places when they go to places that leave a little gift from there, and it will end up with a sort of surprise party all your friends! My friend sent me this once when I was asked to dance was so sweet and very creative, and is also very memorable =]

hey (= said...

OKI Yuh shuld dat wuld be my advice a bit more creative thinking FOH dat .. so wuld HAV Wnt to his surprise b-daii nd wat part is that most .. She is an athlete or makeup partt na .. dat then buy a present, best suited for its alrite (=
Key also believes most of th best b gift too expensive! Savin-for-money to start now alrite

hey (= said...

OKI Yuh shuld dat wuld be my advice a bit more creative thinking FOH dat .. so wuld HAV Wnt to his surprise b-daii nd wat part is that most .. She is an athlete or makeup partt na .. dat then buy a present, best suited for its alrite (=
Key also believes most of th best b gift too expensive! Savin-for-money to start now alrite

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